在顶色辅助的人工色(TC2)模型框架下,研究了中性top—pion介子Ⅱ^0t和带电top—pion介子Ⅱ^-t的联合产生过程e^+e^-→W^+Ⅱ^0tⅡ^-t,研究结果表明在TC2模型合理的参数空间内,其产生截面可达到10fb的量级,并且产生截面随质心能量的升高而增大,在未来的高能直线对撞机上可产生足够多的事例.另外,味改变耦合Ⅱ^0t ^-tc露的存在,使得实验能通过背景非常干净的衰变道Ⅱ^0t→^-tc正来探测Ⅱ^0t.因此通过此过程可在将来的高能直线对撞机实验中探测到top-pion介子的明显信号.
In the context of topcolor-assisted Technicolor(TC2) model, the charged and neutral top-pions production process e^+ e^- →W^+ Ⅱ^0t Ⅱ^-t in detail are studied. The results show that the production rates can reach the level of tens fb with reasonable parameter values. So one can expect that enough signals can be produced in the International Linear Collider(ILC) experiments. Furthermlore, the flavor-changing decay mode Ⅱ^0t^-tc is the best channel to detect neutral top-pion due to the clean SM background.. With a large number of events and the clean background, the neutral top-pion should be observable in future ILC experiments.