Based on the measurements of the tidal velocity, suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and bed load samples, done simultaneously at three stations located in the upper reach and lower reach of the North Channel and the South Branch of the Changjiang Estuary from June 26th to July 2nd 2011, the sediment char acter and seabed sediment resuspension processes are studied by data analysis and the grain size spectral cal culation. The results indicate that the hydrodynamics during the flood tide was stronger than that during the ebb tide with seaward net sediment fluxes, which was due to the tidal asymmetry caused by tide wave deforma tion. The bed load was mainly composed of fine silt and clay, whose content was over 90%. The SSC near bed could reach its maximum twice during a single flood period or an ebb period. That was caused by the re suspension of fluid mud that settled on the seabed surface during the turn of tidal current and the resuspension of eroded fine particles from the bed load by strong tidal current, respectively. Thus the resuspension of the bed load in the North Channel was quite strong. However, the sediment supply from the bed load to the sus pended sediment was less than 35% of the total suspended sediment.