猪-人异种移植有望解决人源器官短缺的严重问题。然而,以前病毒(provirus)形式整合入猪基因组中的猪内源性反转录病毒(porcine endogenous retrovirus,PERV)难以去除,PERV有可能通过异种移植传播给人类,甚至产生新的病毒性疾病。本文回顾了PERV与异种移植病毒安全性及我国特有小型猪中PERV的相关研究。
Pig to human xenotransplantation could potentially alleviate the shortage of human organs. However, porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) which are present in the germline of pigs as proviruses could hardly be eliminated. PERV would be transferred to the human recipient along with xenografts. In a worst-case scenario, this might result in the emergence of a new viral disease. This report reviewed research on viral safety risks posed by PERVs in xenotransplantation as well as research on PERV from Chinese miniature pigs.