Pm4,a high resistant gene to the prevalent race Guanzhong 4 of powdery mildew pathogen,is one of the most effective wheat powdery mildew resistant gene in China.Molecular marker assistant selection is not limited by environment and cropping season,its application in the breeding program can improvement the accuracy of selection and breeding efficiency.In this study,14 disease resistant F3 plants from six crosses of seven parents were selected by both STS470 marker and field disease test.Sixty four F3 lines,derived from the 14 F3 plants,were tested in the field and screened by molecular marker STS470.Among the 64 lines,there were 53 lines(82.8%) showed high resistance to the powdery mildew,of which 51 lines(79.7%) with resistant molecular marker STS470.The results showed that STS470 was a reliable molecular marker for screening Pm4 resistant gene and it could be effectively used in wheat breeding.