Silver staining affected by many factors is a complex technology in the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The concentration and work time of polyacrylamide, ammonium persulfate, silver nitrate etc which are used in silver staining have direct impact to experimental results. 6% gel has high-resolution. 0.2% silver nitrate is more sensitive than 0. 1%. Concentration of formaldehyde at 0.1% -0.2% (by volume) has no difference in color. 1.5% and 3% sodium hydroxide has no difference in color results. Dosage of 10 mg/mL of sodium thiosulfate should be 100 -200 μL/L. Weak base, strong base and improved silver staining methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Researchers can choose appropriate silver staining method according to the needs of research. Weak base staining background light is suitable for variety of fingerprint analysis. Strong base and simple silver staining method with high efficiency, low cost, simple operation, is suitable for marker-assisted breeding.