Off ramp-street terminal is a key transfer node for the traffic flow from freeway to the street. An appropriate safety geometric design method of off-ramp-street terminal is very significant for improving the freeway off ramp performance, capacity and safety. Based on investigations, some terminal traffic flow characteristics were analyzed from the following aspects: traffic flow characteristics, vehicle speed, traffic flow composition and so on, in order to identify the difference between the terminal and common intersections. Then, the terminal geometric design method was demonstrated in site selection of a terminal and the key points' safety geometric design. Last, the research result of this paper was applied to a planning project of a off-ramp-street terminal between Fen-jun freeway and 340 provincial highway in Shanxi Province as an example. It was proved that the presented method was practicable and applicable and could be reffered for safety geometric design of an off-ramp-street terminal.