顺煤层长钻孔采用聚氨醋封孔必须解决聚氨醋初始发泡时间、注入方式、封堵方式等关健工艺问题。通过在南庄12号煤层的现场试验,采用35 m封孔段长度、1: 1.25的聚氨醋黑白料配比、两堵一注封孔方式,侧得煤层瓦斯压力为0. 39~0.74 MPa,成功解决了顺煤层钻孔侧不出煤层瓦斯压力的问题,其最大侧值比瓦斯压力反演值低19.57%,说明聚氨醋封孔本煤层侧压仍存在技术难度大、侧值偏低等问题,但研究结果对于同类条件下瓦斯压力的准确侧定具有指导意义。
When using polyurethane for gas pressure measurement in an along-coal-seam hole, the first foaming time of polyurethane, the methods of injection and sealing are the key technologies that must be solved. In the site test of No. 12 coalbed in Nanzhuang coal mine, the results indicated that when sealing length is more than 35 m, the polyurethane ratio between black and white materials is 1 : 1.25, and when using the method of injec- ting polyurethane into and between two blocks, the problem of measuring the pressure is resolved successfully, and the maximum measuring gas pressure is 19.57 percent smaller than the inversion calculation value. The re- search indicates that the alone-coal-seam hole-sealing using polyurethane is still the technical problems of more difficulty and smaller measured-value, but the results of the study still have a certain instructional significance to similar engineering applications.