水曲柳伐根的分解过程影响着长白山地区阔叶红松林的养分循环过程,而真菌又是显示伐根分解过程的重要因素.通过踏查的方法对水曲柳伐根上大型真菌的动态进行了研究,结果显示,水曲柳伐根上着生的大型真菌数量和种类都较多,不同分解年份的伐根上大型真菌数量相差不大,而种类则随时间变化呈现出一定的规律性,分解时间为3a、7a、10a的伐根上真菌多样性程度较高,而5a、12a的伐根上真菌多样性较低.真菌类群主要集中在多孔菌科和炭角菌科,这两类真菌出现的频率占所有真菌的47.34%.Scutellinia scutellata和Irpex lacteus是水曲柳伐根分解过程中时间跨度最大的真菌,而数量比例最大的真菌则是Coriolus versicolor.水曲柳伐根上真菌数量与分解时间和光照呈负相关关系,而与桩径呈正相关关系.
The decomposition of Fraxinus mandshurica stumps is the key factor of the nutritional cycle of broad-leaved and Korean pine mixed forest in the Changbai Mountains.Fungi are the main contributors of the stump decomposition.The fungal diversity and succession on the stumps were investigated during the stump decomposition.The result showed that the species diversity and the biomass were rich on F.mandshurica stumps.There was no significant fluctuation of fungal biomass,but signif icant variation of the species was found during the stump decomposition period.The fungal diversity was higher in 3,7 and 10 years,but lower in 5 and 12 years.The prominent fungal species were found belonging Polyporaceae and Xylariaceae at a ratio of 47.34% among the total fungi.Scutellinia scutellata and Irpex lacteus were detected during the whole decomposing period.Coriolus versicolor was the largest in quantity.There was a negative correlation between the decomposition time as well as sunshine and the fungi quantity,while the positive correlation between the fungi quantity and the stump diameter during the decomposition.