The genomic DNA extracted from Haematococcus pluvialis 34-1n was digested with Sau3A I. The genomic DNA fragments in length from 6 kb to 8 kb were recovered from agarose gel and concentrated to 200 ng/μL, which were inserted into pUC18 vector treated with BamH I and CIAP. The constructed plasmids were introduced into Escherichia. coli DH5ot by using electroporation. Finally, the genomic DNA library contained 6x105 clones was constructed with an average insert size of 6.5 kb. Clonies contained bktl gene were detemined by PCR technique from the constructed genomic DNA library. By comparing with the 13-C-4-oxygenase gene sequence (GenBank: DQ086233.1), six exons were found in bktl genomic sequence. These study would provide a library platform to further identify noval genes from Haematococcus pluvialis.