提出了一种新型椭圆曲线密码处理器设计方案.采用OJW(最优联合权重)点乘调度算法加速点乘运算,该方法对椭圆曲线数字签名算法的验证运算尤为有效.通过引入双域求逆与Montgomery模乘相统一的算法和数据通路,处理器能进行任意GF(p)和GF(2^n)域上的有限域运算.同时针对简单功耗攻击和差分功耗攻击,本文提出了有效的抗攻击措施.基于SMIC 0.18CMOS工艺的实现结果表明,该设计在面积、速度、芯片抗攻击性能方面较同类设计有明显优势.
A new Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) processor is proposed in this paper, which supports Galois fields GF(p) and GF(2n) arithmetic for arbitrary prime numbers and irreducible polynomials by introducing a dual-field unified algorithm and data-path. To speed up the scalar multiplication, a new technique is used, which is especially useful for the verifying operation of EC Digital Signature Algorithm. At the same time, the EC arithmetic is executed in an anti-attack form. The implementation result based on SMIC 0.18 CMOS technology shows the advantages of this design in the aspects of area, speed and anti-attack performance.