设计了一个手指运动自动矫正实验,受试者在实验中通过手指控制电脑屏幕图标,执行手部动作快速自动矫正,同时被采集脑电(EEG)信号.选用后顶叶皮层区的脑电电极数据,经过叠加分析等处理,最终获得手部动作自动矫正的事件相关电位(ERP)成份.结果表明:目标跳变引发的自动矫正动作电位,呈现出一种特殊的电位特征,即先于150 ms左右出现一负性脑波,后于320 ms左右出现一正性脑波.
An experiment of automatic correction of finger movement was designed. In the experiment, participants were asked to quickly point to a target's position with right thumb-stick controlling a hand-cursor on a screen and electroencephalography(EEG) signals were recorded as well. The relevant event-ralated potenial(ERP) components were analyzed by trials data averaging. The results show that a negativity at 150 ms and a positivity at 320 ms were found in jump trials.