Groundwater interstitial flow is one of the major ways for the diffusion of heavy metal pollution. Based on the law of the convection, diffusion, and source-sink effect of groundwater flow, this paper analyzes the retardation effect of the curtain grouting project on the diffusion of heavy metal pollution, without considering biological degradation and chemical reactions. A onedimensional convection-diffusion simulation model of the transport process of contaminants and groundwater restoration model under disturbance of pumping wells were eslahlished using GMS software. The results showed that the curtain grouting project had apparent retardation effect on the diffusion and transport of heavy metal pollutants, reducing the diffusion radius. With continuous supply of pollutants in 365 d, the diffusion dislance was shortened from 900 m to 465 m. The mass concentration of pollutants at the external observation site of the curtain project decreased from 2.8 mg/L to 1.42 mg/L, a reduction of about 50%. Under disturbance of pumping wells, the adsorption and dilution of pollutants in solidified and dissolved forms were accelerated in the project.