In the process of underground mining, as the effect of mining method and mining technology, massive goals have been formed in underground mines, which is the main factor influencing the goals stability in underground mining. Generally, there are four main factors to affect the goals stability, i. e. structure parameters, space distribution features, stress environment and characteristic value, and geological condition and mechanical parameters of ore and rock mass. There are the sources of the stability identification of goals based on the multiple source information. Based on CMS technology and engineering geology survey, numerical simulation technology, and using the AHP weight analysis, a D-S evidence classification model is built based on the multisource information fusion in the goals stability. Take a mine as example, the mining information and the parameters are collected, and the classifications of goals stability are identified according to a four grade classification method. The result shows that the stability is relative to the structure parameters,geological parameters and the stress environment parameters of goals. It is a typical problem of the multisource information fusion. Using D-S evidence theory, the classification of the goafs stability is identified, and the results are consistent with the goals stability in the engineering recognition. It is an effective approach to indentify the classification of the gaols stability involving many factors.