In order to overcome the shortcoming of Skyline query that size of results could not be controlled, this paper pres- ented Skyline query of representative objects to return k Skyline representative objects which could describe the full Skyline contour. It studied the problem of representative Skyline query over distributed databases and introduced Naive algorithm and FDRA. To remove the non-representative Skyline points, Naive algorithm first transferd two local representatives which satis- fied conditions on each child nodes, and then decided whether transfer other local representatives according to the evaluation function values of the representatives. Compared to Naive algorithm, FDRA improved the choice of filter tuples, dynamically chose points with max evaluation value as filter tuples, reduced the computational cost with feedback method. The center serv- er only sent the filter tuples to other nodes to maximally remove the dominated points which would not become representative points as early as possible. The algorithm reduced the communication cost and returned the correct result, and experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency.