广义Voronoi图(GVD)的生成可以分为直接法和近似法.利用VDC(Van Der Corput)采样序列,结合了近似法,设计了一种基于VDC采样序列的GVD生成算法.该算法改进了一般生成GVD的近似方法,使得点集的采样可以增量进行,并且精度可控,提高了现有GVD生成算法的性能.
The method of figuring out Generalized Voronoi Diagram(GVD) can be categorized into direct and approximate methods.The paper combines VDC(Van Der Corput) sampling sequence and approximate method to design a GVD algorithm based on VDC sampling sequence.The algorithm improves common approximate GVD algorithm,sampling process is incremental and precision is controllable,thus current GVD algorithm performance is enhanced.