The Furong tin polymetallic deposit in central Nanling region, South China, is composed dominantly of skarn-type ores hosted in Carboniferous and Permian strata and Mesozoic granitic intrusions. In this study, mineral chemistry research has been carried out on skarn ores from the No. 19 ore lode using SEM and EPMA techniques, in order to constrain the tin mineralization conditions of skam rocks in the Furong deposit. Primary skarns in the Furong deposit consist mainly of grossular-andradite, baicalite, ferro-edenite, malayaite, and minus idocrase, wollastonite, cassiterite formed under oxidizing conditions, and have genetic relationship to the hornblende-biotite monzogranite in- truded earlier. In this case, tin dominantly occurred as Sn^4+ and entered the crystal lattices of skarn minerals. Under the alteration of the F, Cl and Sn-rich ore-forming solution exsolved from biotite granite, the primary skarns were regressively metamorphosed to hydtrothermal minerals and ores. During this stage, substantive cassiterites were precipitated together with phlogopite, fluorite, magnetite, i. e. , type-Ⅰ ores, which are mainly related to the hydrothermal fluids exsolved from biotite granite, or with tremolite, diopside, chlorite, sulphide, i.e. type-Ⅱ ores, which were significantly influenced by the fluid from wallrocks.