In Modem Chinese the basic meaning of "cbeng " (呈)can be interpreted as Having or showing a certain shape, color, trend and so on. Sentences with "cheng" (呈) acting as predicate center, whose structures are short and compact, are always used in illustrative style. With distinct written and classical characteristics, such sentences are objective, formal and solemn. Sentences with "cheng" can be classified two kinds as follows: 1. "Cheng t " sentence: Stating a natural phenomenon which has or show a certain shape. 2. "Cheng2" sentence: Stating a social phenomenon which has or show a certain abstractive trend. From the lexical level, syntactic level to the rhetoric level, the sentence with "cheng" has become a kind of metaphor structures with features of the scientific and technological style, which can reveal the similarity between the different phenomena. It is an extremely simple homespun kind of Chinese metaphor sentences.