In order to investigate the high performance film paper battery, the effect of the amount of loading carbon nanotubes and ball milling on the battery performance were studied. The film paper batteries doped with a cer- tain percentage of treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes in the cathode material were sealed in vacuum machine. The batteryrs electrochemical performance of discharge and capacity were tested by the computer controlled precision batte- ry tester. The effect of the ball milling time of the cathode material and carbon nanotubes was investigated. The re- sults demonstrate that the paper battery with 2wt~ carbon nanotubes doped in cathode material shows the best dis- charge performance and the maximum discharge capacity of 13. 1 mAh. The cathode materials of ball milling 30 mi- nutes shows the best performance, the discharge caDacitv reaches 17. 8 mAh.