This paper uses standard deviation ellipse to identify the spatial evolution of GDP and consumer market in China and its coastal area during 2003 and 2011. It is showed that GDP and consumer market in the country move toward inland and become spatially contracted and intensified, indicating a rising role of domestic market and increasing market integration. Meanwhile,in the coast area, the extent of spatial intensity of GDP and consumer market increase faster than in the whole country. While GDP moves toward inland, and consumer market moves to south and shrink spatially, suggesting a stronger role played by agglomeration economies in the coast area than in the country. The rising market integration is driven by the coast area, and a larger impact is exerted by global market in the coast area than in the country. For a smooth and fast transformation, the role of market integration should be addressed, the economic core should be established over the North China Plain and Middle - Lower Yangtze Plain, and national growth should be driven both by the coast area and the interior as a whole.