以镇江内江为例,针对滨江水体自长江引水过程中,由于长江水量、沙量时空分布不均所引起的水量-水质-泥沙不平衡问题,提出了实现水质改善、控制悬沙浓度,减少泥沙淤积三重目标的调度模式;在确定内江水量-水质-泥沙平衡关系的基础上,研究了维持三者平衡的调度方式,并对调度效果进行了预测分析,模拟计算结果表明:枯季低水位条件下,要保证内江水质、悬沙浓度同时达标,内江一次性换水率R约在50%~70%之间;洪季水位增加,换水率要求降至25%~40%;调度区间的划分、调度方式的确定与长江水位条件及引航道进水能力密切相关,洪季长江水位较高,节制闸开启后可直接满足换水量要求,调度方式为自引,而枯季长江水位较低,需通过泵站引水达到引水量要求;调度后,内江水质达到Ⅲ类水标准,全年平均悬浮物浓度由现状70mg.L^-1降至22 mg.L^-1,内江自长江全年引水量以及内江泥沙淤积量分别比现状条件下削减了90.2%8、6.0%,达到调度预期目标。
Neijiang river in Zhenjiang city is connected to the Changjiang River directly. Because of the asymmetrical distribution of water quantity and suspended sediment of the Changjiang River, the contradictions among water quantity, water quality and suspended sediment appear evidently in Neijiang river. The water quantity operation schemes which aimed at improving water quality, reducing suspended sediment concentration and decreasing sediment deposition are presented and studied. The environmental effects of the water quantity operation schemes are forecasted and analyzed by numerical simulation. It is found that the exchange rate of water quantity in dry season should reach 50% to 70 % in order to meet the requirements of water quality and suspended sediment concentration in Neijiang river. Because of the high water level, the exchange rate of water quantity in flood season is lower, which is between 25 % and 40%. The partition of operational intervals and the water quantity operation patterns are closely related to the water level of the Changjiang River and the introducing water quantity capacity of the leading channel in Neijiang river. During flood season, the water demand can be satisfied by opening the water gate directly. However, during dry season the pumping station should be used because of the low water level outside. After the water quantity operation, the water quality of Neijiang river could meet the grand Ⅲ water standard and the average concentration of suspended sediment concentration would be decreased from 70mg·L^-1 to 22 mg·L^-1. The amount of introduced water quantity and deposited sediment in Neijiang river are reduced by 90.2 % and 86.0% respectively, and the expected operational goal could be reached.