In order to study the carrier transport characteristics of discotic liquid crystal,this paper chooses easy synthesis of triphenylene derivatives,namely 2-butanoate-3,6,7,10,11-pentabutoxytriphenylene. Through the study of basic methods including1 HNMR and FT-IR spectroscopy,differential scanning calorimetry and polarized light microscopy,it shows hexagonal columnar phase characteristics,and through X ray powder diffraction pattern can be seen that the peak is split into two peaks which is a typical characteristic of hexagonal columnar plastic phase. In order to study the carrier transport characteristics,time-of-flight method is used and the result shows that: compared with ordinary columnar phase,mobility of plastic phase is one magnitude higher which is about 7. 56 × 10^-3cm^2/vs. It shows that this compound can be further applied in conductive devices,such as OLED and OPV.