目的:探讨正常人脑对威胁性情绪面孔的反应模式。方法:以愤怒和恐惧面孔为情绪刺激,在34名健康志愿受试者完成情绪面孔匹配任务的同时利用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术进行全脑数据采集。用SPM 8等软件处理功能成像数据,分析威胁性情绪面孔的脑区激活。结果:与威胁性情绪面孔视觉刺激加工相关的脑区主要分布在额叶皮质、颞叶、左侧杏仁核等,楔叶、枕叶等与视觉刺激相关脑区也有显著激活。结论:威胁性情绪面孔刺激对正常人脑的激活主要表现为左侧杏仁核、额叶、颞叶等多个脑区的协同加工机制。
Objective: To explore the brain active pattern when individuals facing threatening faces.Methods: Angry and fearful faces were used as stimula,functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) scans were acquired while 34 healthy subjects performed the emotion face matching task.Functional MRI data was processed by SPM 8 software.Results: Threatening faces was associated with greater activation in frontal cortex,temporal lobe and left amygdala,as well as the visual regions such as cuneus and occipital gyrus et al.Conclusion: Several brain regions such as left amygdala,frontal cortex and temporal lobe cooperated in the processing of threatening faces.