A multidisciplinary approach-anatomy, histochemistry, fluorescent microscope and phytochemistry was used to investigate the leaf structure, the content of chlorophyll and carotenoids,the content of aloin and the characteristics of production and storage of aloin in different leaf-age leaves Aloe arborescens. The results showed that aloin was produced in the chloroplast matrix of the assimilating tissue. Aloin was ini tially .stored in the aloin cells and then in bundle sheath cells because of aloin cells atrophy and aging. Mo- reover,the aloin content reduced gradually from top to bottom with leaf growth in the same plant. Mean while, the density of vascular bundles and the percentage of aloin cells decreased because of aloin cells atro- phy and chloroplasts aging. However, no significant correlation was found between the content of chloro- plast pigments and aloin content.