本研究利用18种蛾螺总科(Buccinoidea)动物的COⅠ基因序列对中国海蛾螺科进行了科上和科内水平的分子系统学分析。在建立的系统发育树中,蛾螺科种类聚成了4个明显的分枝:第一枝包括侧平肩螺(Japelion latus)、朝鲜蛾螺(Buccinum koreana)、黄海蛾螺(Buccinum yokomaruae)、皮氏蛾螺(Voluthapaperryi)、香螺(Neptunea cumingi)、小鼠脊蛾螺(Lirabuccinum musculus)以及褐线蛾螺(Japeuthria cingulata);第二枝包括莫氏角亮螺(Antillophos monsecourorum)和尖鱼篮螺(Nassaria acuminata);第三枝包括黑口甲虫螺(Cantharus melanostoma)和矛唇齿螺属(Engina lanceolata);第四枝包括褐管蛾螺(Siphonalia spadicea)和长吻真螺(Euthria lubrica)。该结果与先前基于形态分析进行的亚科划分基本一致。蛾螺科的单系性没有得到支持,织纹螺科种类(Nassarius thachi、N.sinarus、N.euglyptus)插到蛾螺科系统树中并与角亮螺属(Antillophos)及鱼篮螺属(Nassaria)聚成一枝;东风螺科种类(Babylonia areolata、B.spirata)和榧螺科种类(Oliva mustelina)与褐线蛾螺(Japeuthria cingulata)聚成一枝。东风螺属起初隶属于蛾螺科,现已被移出并作为单独的一科——东风螺科Babyloniidae,本研究确认了这一结论。鱼篮螺属(Nassaria)和角亮螺属(Antillophos)与织纹螺属(Nassarius)种类聚在一起,这与最近的分子研究得到的结果一致。
The partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase Ⅰ gene (CO Ⅰ) sequences of 18 Buccinoidea species were employed to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships of the family Buccinidae at the intraand suprafamilial level. Within the family, the buccinids formed four clades: Clade Ⅰ includes Japelion latus, Buccinum koreana, Buccinum yokomaruae , Voluthapa perryi , Neptunea cumingi , Liratmccinurn musculus and Japeuthria cingulata ; Clade Ⅱ includes Antillophos monsecourorum and Nassaria acuminata ; Clade Ⅲ includes Cantharus rnelanostoma and Engina lanceolata ; Clade Ⅳ includes Siphonalia spadicea and Euthria lubrica. This result generally agrees with the previous subfamilial assignments based on morphological data. The monophyly of Buccinidae was interrupted by insertion of Nassariids, Olivids and Babyloniids. Babyloniidae, previously considered as a subfamily of Buccinidae, is now treated as an independent family. The present study confirmed this assignment. The genera Nassaria and Antillophos clustered together with nassariids closer than with other buccinids, indicating that they have very close relationship with Nassariidae, this result is consistent with that of recently published molecular study.