Developing farmer marketing cooperative and improving cooperative' s service level become the key factors to solve the conflicts between "small farms" and "big market" in China. Marketing cooperative refers to the professional economic organization organized by farmers from disadvantaged farms based on the principles of cooperative in order to achieve the efficiency through large-scale processing and marketing of agricultural products. Cooperative can also help small farms to compete with commercial agricultural marketing enterprises. Its functions include reducing the functional defects of farmer entering the market and participating in market competition by performing certain marketing fimctions in the system. The motivations of farmer cooperative are to obtain the scale effect, promote market equilibrium, reduce the cost of marketing and increase farmers' welfare, help connecting production and consumption in the market, maintain market stability, enhance information communication, and improve the efficiency of the marketing system. The development path for farmer cooperative depends not only on the current status of cooperative and policy environment, but also on the vision and goals of itself. The development path selection of marketing cooperative should follow the principles of 1) duel choices of market driven and government promoting; 2) duel choices of improving the service functions and solving the structural unbalanced situation between the demanded and supplied services from cooperative; and 3) duel choices of enhancing marketing efficiency and smoothing relationships among the different marketing entities. Due to the immaturity and vulnerability of farmer cooperative in China, the overall development path of farmer rnarketing cooperative should take a path with dual driven system of both internal and external forces.