in rough set model, α quantitative indiscernibility relation is a generalization ot both strong and weak indiscernibility relations. However, such three indiscernibility relations based rough sets do not take the test costs of the attributes into consideration. To solve this problem, α test-cost-sensitive quantitative indiscernibility relation based rough set is proposed. From the viewpoint of the binary relation, the new rough set is then sensitive to test costs. Moreover, the relationships among strong, weak, α quantitative and test-cost-sensitive α quantitative indiscernibility relations based rough sets are explored. Finally, it is noticed that the traditional heuristic algorithm does not take the decreasing of cost into account. Therefore, not only a new fitness function is proposed, but also such fitness futtction is carried out in genetic algorithm for obtaining reduct with minor test cost. The experimental results show that such approach not only decreases the uncertainty comes from boundary region, but also decreases the cost of reduct.