A 5g-year-old man presented with a painful erythema on the left dorsal hand for 2 weeks. Skin examination revealed multiple edematous erythema ranging from 1 - 4cm in diameter. There was typical presentation of pseudovesicular lesions with tenderness, but no pustules, ulcerations or bleeding. Biopsy demonstrated that neutrophils presented the epidermis. Mild edema was seen in the papillary dermis. There were noticeable infiltration of the neutrophlic cells and lymphocytes, as well as focal nucleus dusts. The wall of blood vessel was normal. Treatment with prednison 10mg three times daily resulted in complete resolution of the lesions in 1 month. The clinical presentation, the histological features, and the excellent response to oral corticosteroid therapy allowed us to classify this case as neutrophilic dermatosis of the dorsal hands.