白癜风多因表皮中黑素细胞丢失或功能低下而形成临床所见色素脱失斑。造成上述异常的具体机制尚未完全阐明。最近有学者以黑素细胞脱落(melanocytorrhagy)学说阐述非节段型白癜风(non-segmental vitiligo,NSV)发病。他们认为,表皮内由于上皮型钙黏素(E-cadherin,Ecad)所介导的细胞间黏附异常可引起黑素细胞与相邻角质形成细胞间的黏附力下降,受机械牵拉及其他应力作用极易自基底层逃逸而经表皮丢失。该学说为以后非节段型白癜风防治指明了新的方向:恢复黑素细胞受损黏附力从而阻断黑素细胞数进行性减少。
Vitiligo is characterized by the presence of depigmented macules, resuhing from down-regulation or loss of functional melanocytes in the epidermis. Although its pathophysiology has not yet been fully elucidated, researchers now realized the significance of melanocytorrhagy involved in the development of non-segmental vitiligo. Reduced expression of E-cadherin in the lesion may subsequently lead to a low adhesive ability of melanocytes,which made it more vulnerable to be detached from the basilar layer, and ultimately, being lost through turn-over process of epidermis if it was exerted with an additional mechanical or other types of forces. The theory of melanocytorrhagy may shed more light on vitiligo : To prevent the melanocytes from insidious loss through revitalization of its adhesive ability.