转录因子与剪接因子分别是转录和剪接过程中的重要调控蛋白,研究转录因子与剪接因子的偶合作用对理解真核生物的基因表达调控有重要意义。作者基于SpliceAid F、TFclass、HPRD、Biogrid、DIP、Intact和HINT数据库,构建了转录因子和剪接因子的互作网络。使用连通度、聚类系数和中心度对互作网络进行分析;统计了与剪接因子或其它蛋白质相连通的转录因子的个数;通过定义蛋白质互作相对倾向性因子对蛋白质之间的互作倾向性进行评价。结果表明,转录因子与剪接因子以相互间隔1、2、3个蛋白质为主的方式相互偶合;瓶颈蛋白占直接连接转录因子和剪接因子的蛋白质的20%;转录因子与剪接因子的内部互作倾向性强于二者之间的互作倾向性。
Abst.ract: Transcription factors and splicing factors are important proteins in the process of transcription and splicing, respectively. The coupling of transcription and splicing is crucial for understanding the eukaryotic gene expression and regulation. Based on SpliceAid F, TFclass, HPRD, Biogrid, DIP, Intact and HINT database, the human protein interaction network of transcription factors and splicing factors were constructed. The interaction network was analyzed based on degree, clustering coefficient, betweeness centrality and was evaluated by using protein-protein interaction relative bias. The number of transcription factors connected to splicing factors or other proteins was calculated statistically. The results showed that transcription factors and splicing factors were coupled each other, which were connected by one, two and three other proteins. The bottleneck proteins accounted for 20% of proteins which directly connected transcription factors and splicing factors. The protein interactions relative bias within transcription factors and splicing factors were larger than that between them. Key Words: Transcription factor; Splicing factor; Protein-protein interaction network