目的:通过分析中医古方治疗消渴症的方剂组成药味,对中医药治疗消渴症的用药特点及规律进行探讨。方法:应用计算机检索中医方剂数据库(源于《中医方剂大辞典》)有关治疗消渴症的方剂,以Excel 2010软件建立数据库,收录每首方剂中的单味药进行统计分析。结果:在治疗消渴症的577首方剂中共应用药物592种,出现频次为3 769次。其中,使用频次在10次以上的包括麦冬、甘草、人参等93种;关联规则方法分析使用频次在10次以上的药对为人参-甘草、甘草-麦冬、人参-麦冬等187组;3味中药药组包括人参-甘草-麦冬、天花粉-麦冬-黄连、天花粉-甘草-麦冬等117组;4味中药药组包括人参-甘草-麦冬-黄芪、天花粉-知母-麦冬-黄连、人参-甘草-知母-石膏等27组。消渴症包括阴虚热盛证、气阴两虚证、阴阳两虚证、湿热内蕴证和血瘀阻络证5种主要证型,其治疗遣方用药各有侧重。结论:基于关联规则方法可挖掘方药治疗消渴症的用药特点和规律,为临床合理用药及机制阐释提供科学依据。
To extract prescriptions for the treatment of consumptive thirst in the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine database(from the Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary) by using computer retrieval, a database, included each single herb in the prescription was built through excel software, drugs pairs and formula composition rules were analyzed with association rules mining method. The results showed that 577 prescriptions and 592 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines were concluded, the total frequency of the herbs was 3 769, and 93 kinds of herbs were found with the frequency of usage more than 10 times, including Ophiopogon japonicus, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, Panax ginseng and so on; 187 groups were found with the frequency of usage more than 10 times including ginseng-Glycyrrhiza, Glycyrrhiza-Ophiopogon japoni-cus, ginseng-Ophiopogon japonicus and soon; 117 groups which were made up of 3 traditional Chinese medicines and 27 combinations contain 4 traditional Chinese medicines were found with the frequency of usage more than 10 times by association rules method. The syndromes of consumptive thirst were divided into five main types, including excessive heat due to yin deficiency, qi and yin deficiency, yin and yang deficiency, internal retention of damp-heat and the blood stasis blocking collaterals, and the treatment of herbal medication have different focus.