Based on a certain customers' satisfaction degree, the multi-trip vehicle routing problem for the customer pickup and delivery service in a city is studied. Regarding the vehicles' circumvention as constraints, the isolated customer points are generated when vehicle coordination was not taken into account.In such a case, each customer at each isolated customer point is to be picked up and delivered to the destination independently. Different from previous method, the vehicle coordination is taken into consideration between basic vehicles and coordinative vehicles at a suitable location. According to this routing coordination, the customers in the coordinative vehicles are transferred into the basic vehicles and then are delivered to the destination. And a three-stage algorithm, which considers vehicle coordination, is proposed to solve multi-trip vehicle routing problem. Finally, the pickup and delivery service in Flight Ticked Sales Companies is used as a study case and simulations are conducted. Simulation results show that the coordination of intersection points is feasible and effective. It can provide better scheme for actual vehicle scheduling.