Devices to generate energy with the VIV is a new energy device used to capture ocean current energy in shallow sea areas with low velocity. In order to convert energy efficiently in different conditions, the parameters that effect vibration need to be discussed. The mass ratio in terms of energy and vibration response is analyzed in this paper Combining wake oscillator model with structural vibration model, two degrees of freedom vortex-induced vibration coupling model are obtained. After importing the Stappenbelt into this model, the result coincides with their experimental results. The correctness of the model is verified. Cylinder vortex-induced vibration response of the three different conditions is studied, namely low mass ratio, ultra-low-mass ratio and high mass ratio, the results showed that in low mass ratio condition, the amplitude and width of lock-in region increases with the mass ratio small; in ultra-low-mass ratio condition, the dimensionless amplitude of in-line close to 1, so the effect of in-line cannot be ignored, the maximum amplitude of 2-DOF occurs near reduced velocity Ur = 6; in high ratio condition, the maximum amplitude corresponding to the reduced velocity increase with the increase of mass ratio, the second peak of in-line disappeared and peak of cross-flow appears twice.