针对自然保护区评价因指标众多、标准不一且难以定最化表达而存在支际操作上的困难,提出利用信息熵量化评价指标的新方法,定义自然保护区综合熵指数GEI(Gross Entropy Index)的计算模型为GEI=1/k∑i=1^kCEi和CEi=-WiPilogpi,其中CEi(Criterion Entropy)为第i个指标的熵,Wi为第i个指标的权重,Pi=x/X为第i个指标的概率值,k为选取的指标个数。自然保护区的GEI值越大,则其不确定度越大,生态复杂性程度越高,其自然保护的价值也越大,因而越需要得到有效的保护。对海南省3处典型自然保护区进行的实例研究表明,基于信息熵的保护区定量评价方法,充分利用了保护区的本底数据资料,能较好地解决指标众多且标准不一、难以定量化表达的问题,分析结果具有较好的可比性,是保护医综合定量评价的一种有效方法。
Quantitative evaluation of nature reserves is beset with numerous, inconsistent and hard to be quantified criteria. This paper proposes a new approach based on information entropy, and defines Gross Entropy Index (GEI) as GEI = 1-k ∑i=j^k, CEi , and CEi = - wipilogpi , where CEi , wi and pi = x /X are the criterion entropy, the weight, and the probability of the ith criterion, respectively, and k is currently employed number of criteria. The higher the GEI, the greater the uncertainty of a nature reserve, and titus the greater its protection value, the more urgent need of effective protection action. Three typical nature reserves in Hainan provinre were evaluated as a case study. The results showed that quantitative evaluation of nature reserves based on information entropy can resolve the problems induced by numerous, inconsistent criteria which hard to be quantified, can be applied in the practices of nature reserve management and even regional sustainable development, and is another effective approach to quantitative ecological evaluation of nature reserves.