利用简单重复序列间扩增(ISSR)分子标记对舟山群岛红楠(Machilus thunbergii)8个种群91个个体进行了遗传结构分析,9条随机引物扩增出可分析条带75条。多态位点百分比(PPL)为61.3%。POPGENE分析结果表明:红楠种群平均水平多态位点百分比(PPL)为52.3%,Nei’s基因多样度(HE)为0.186,较台湾岛红楠种群(PPL为71.1%)具有偏低的遗传多样性;而种群间遗传分化程度较高(GST=0.311)。地理距离与遗传距离具有显著相关性(r=0.655,P=96.1%),岛屿地理隔离对红楠种群间遗传分化产生显著影响。UP—GMA聚类分析表明:朱家尖岛与普陀岛红楠种群间遗传相似度较高,桃花岛与大猫岛可能存在较近的亲缘关系。基于舟山群岛红楠种群遗传结构分析,建议在其自然生长地实施就地保护的同时,建立红楠种质资源库,促进基因交流。
Ninty-one individuals of eight populations of Machilus thunbergii collected From Zhoushan archipelago were examined by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)markers to determine the genetic structure. A total of 75 discernible loci were obtained using 9 primers,of which 61.3% were polymorphic (PPL=61.3 of precintage in genetic div of bolymorphic loci (PPL = 52. %). As analy 3 % ) indicted ersity compared with Taiwan populations. zed by POPOGENE,average values that M. thunbergii had a reduction The value of differentiation(GST =0. 311)affirmed that M. thunbergii had high genetic differentiation among populations. The effect of geographical isolation had great influences and significant correlation was found between genetic distance and geographic distance (r = 0. 655, P = 96. 1 %). UPGMA indicated that Putuo Island population showed a close relationship with Zhujiajian Island populations, Damao Island population and Taohua Island populations clustered in a clade. In order to were proposed that natural population shou d be protected in situ from human disturbance to facilitate its natural generation. Constructing germplasm resources and cultivating plants mutually collected from different populations are necessary to enhance the gene flow.