本文对三种过冷度下,微尺度加热片阵列上的沸腾换热现象做了实验研究,实验采用两组核化点,每个核化点包含12个大小约为0.1 mm×0.1 mm的微型加热片。利用高速摄像技术从汽泡的底部对汽泡生长及合并现象进行观测,并用高速数据采集系统同步记录不同加热片热流密度.实验探究了不同过冷度下的汽泡合并现象,以及对应的汽泡直径变化规律、汽泡脱离频率和热流密度曲线。文章分析了不同的合并现象并探究了过冷度对沸腾传热的影响。
The paper experimentally investigated the nucleate boiling phenomena on a microheater array at three subcooling conditions.Two nucleation sites were utilized,and each site contains 12 approximately 0.1 mm×0.1 mm microheaters.Bubble growth and coalescence were observed with a high-speed camera under the bubble while the heat fluxes were recorded with a high-speed data acquisition system.The results show that the coalescence phenomena,bubble departure frequencies,boiling heat flux were different at three subcooling conditions.Different coalescence phenomena and effects of subcooling were analyzed.