The idea of an overlapping rectangular region coding of binary images inspired the overlapping rectangular non-symmetry, the anti-packing pattern representation model (RNAM), and the extended Gouraud shading approach. A novel lossy gray image representation algorithm based on the overlapping RNAM, which is called ORNAMC representation algorithm, is proposed. Also, the four principles for anti-packing the overlapping homogenous blocks are presented in this paper. In the proposed ORNAMC representation algorithm, the wrong decoding problem of the matrix R for the overlapping RNAM representation of gray images is solved separately by using the horizontal, vertical, and isolated matrices, i.e., H, V and L These are used to identify the vertex types instead of using a single hybrid matrix, i.e., R. In addition, by redefining the codeword set for the three vertices symbols, this paper proposed a new coordinate data compression algorithm for coding the coordinates of all non-zone elements in the three matrices H, V and L By taking some idiomatic standard gray images in the field of image processing as typical test objects, and by comparing the proposed ORNAMC representation algorithm with the latest non-overlapping RNAMC, the experimental results show that the former has a higher compression ratio and a fewer number of blocks and yet, maintains image quality. Therefore, a better method is to represent the gray image.