The gas exchange,chlorophyll fluorescence parameter of three introduced poplars and three native poplars were determined under natural conditions.Three study introduced poplars were Finland poplar A21(Populus tremula×Populus tremuloides),Finland poplar 16(Populus tremula×Populus tremuloides)and Jiayang(Populus deloides Marsh×Populus nigra L.),and three study native poplars were Xiaoqingyang(Populus pseudo-simonii),Xiaoyeyang(Populus simonii Carr.) and Xing'anyang(Populus hsinganica).The determination results showed that the net photosynthetic rates(Pn)of the introduced poplars were significantly higher than three native poplars,transpiration rate(Tr)and water use efficiency(WUE)of the introduced poplars were also higher than the native poplars.These results indicated that the phytosynthetic capacity of the introduced poplars were promising,and the efficiency of light and water absorption were also high.The mean values of the initial fluorescence(Fo),maximal fluorescence(Fm),actual efficiency of primary conversion of light energy of PS II(F′v/F′m),stable fluorescence(Fs),minimum fluorescence of dark adaptation(Fo)and maximum fluorescence of light adaptation(F′m)of introduced poplars were higher than those of native poplars,but the mean values of the variable fluorescence(Fv),potential efficiency of primary conversion of light energy of PS II(Fv/Fw),the ratio of variable fluorescence to initial fluorescence(Fv/Fo),non-photochemical quenching coefficient(NPQ),quantum yield of PS II electron transport and photochemical quenching coefficient(qP)were lower than that of native poplar.Correlation analysis among photosynthetic parameters showed that there were significant positive correlations between Pn and Tr,Ci and Tr,Fm and Fo,Fv/Fo and Fv/Fm,PS II and Fo(P0.01),and between PSII and Fm,F′v/F′m and Fv/Fo(P0.05).However,there were significantly negative correlations between Fv/Fo and Fo,Fv/Fm and Fo,NPQ and Fv/Fo(P0.