The wilting point, field capacity and saturated water content are the basis for the scientific research and productive practice. It is necessary to explore the new method for estimating the staple soil water constants by reason that to achieve such soil water constants by way of point-distribution observation is unadvisable. In this study, the Hulanhe River Basin boundary was extracted by using DEM data. The data of percentage composition of sand and clay, and USDA Texture Classification was acquired from Harmonized World Soil Database based on the extracted DEM. The wilting point, field capacity, and saturated water content were estimated by using the acquired three soil properties data. The results indicate that the wilting point, field capacity, and sat- urated water content in the two soil layers of the depth of 0-30 cm and 30-100 cm in the Hulanhe River Basin could be esti- mated by using HWSD of the current version, and the spatial resolution of the data was up to 30". Therefore, a new method for achieving the regional soll water constants with high resolution and in the deep soil layer was provided.