随着转基因植物的普及推广,人们越来越关心其生态安全性。以转基因棉花及其对照为实验材料,借助于近红外光谱仪对转基因棉花及其对照根际土壤和非根际土壤中的全氮和有机质进行了分析测定,扫描区间为12000~ 4000cm^-1,分辨率为4cm^-1,扫描次数为64次;同时用标准方法进行对比测定。结果显示近红外检测样品的结果与标准方法结果无明显差别,说明通过扫描光谱加上数学和计算机软件分析,非常准确、方便地测定了转基因作物根际土壤中的全氮和有机质。结果显示,转基因棉花根际土壤中的全氮和有机质含量显著高于对照中的含量,分析原因主要可能与转基因抗虫棉向根际土壤分泌毒蛋白所致,毒蛋白会结合在土壤颗粒上,降解较慢,增加了全氮和有机质的含量,有机质又会增加土壤微生物的繁殖,进一步增加了土壤有机质含量。
With the rapid development of the transgenic biotechnology, more and more transgenic plants have been poured into the market, and scientists have paid much attention to transgenic plants' ecological safety. To analysize the content of organic matter and total nitrogen in rhizosphere of transgenic cottons and their parents, the dried soil were scanned by continuous wave of near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy ranging from 12 000 to 4 000 cm^-1 with a resolution of 4 cm^-1 and scanning for 64 times. Bruker OPUS software was applied for quantification. This method was compared with the standard methods. The results showed that the precision of NIRS was very similar to the standard methods. On the other hand, the results also showed that the contents of organic matter and total nitrogen in rhizosphere soil of transgenic cottons were significantly higher than those of their parents, which could arise from the foreign toxin secretion of root.