现代电力系统中的各元件,如发电机与高压直流输电(high voltage direct current,HVDC)、柔性交流输电等电力电子装置,均安装有控制器,当进行区域控制了或进行区域级仿真或分析)时,迫切需要含各元件控制器的完整区域模型。该文系统给出规范化建立静止无功补偿器(static var compensator,svc)、可控串联电容补偿器(thyfismr controlled series capacitor,TCSC)与HVDC元件本身模型、含元件控制器在内的元件完整模型的方法,并给出在保证微分一代数性质、保留隐动态的前提下,降低微分方程阶数与复杂性的元件简化模型,从而得到相对比较简洁的包含SVC、TCSC与HVDC等电力电子装置本身及其控制器在内的区域模型。为实时控制提供合适的区域级模型,采用的控制器(原理上)能基本覆盖当前所应用的传统的线性控制器、复杂的(可解析表达的)非线性控制器,以及神经网络逆控制那样的非解析控制器。最后还对建立的简化模型与完整模型进行仿真试验对比,验证了简化方法的有效性。
All of the components of modem power systems, such as generator set, high voltage direct current (HVDC), flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) apparatus, are equipped with corresponding controllers. In many research areas, such as the design of area controllers, simulation or analysis, there is the need of constructing integral area models including controllers of each component. Normalized method of constructing the model of component itself, the integral component model including component controller was given, and static var compensator (SVC), thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) and HVDC were chosen as examples. The proposed method can reduce the degree of differential equations and the complexity, but hold the characters of differential-algebraic structure and hidden dynamics. Thus, simplified area model including component (such as SVC, TCSC and HVDC) models and corresponding controller models was constructed, which is suitable for real-time control. Principally, the proposed method is suitable for various component controllers, such as traditional linear controllers, complex analytic nonlinear controllers, non-analytic controllers such as ANN-based controller. The numerical simulation indicates that the simplified models can match the original one with the similar dynamic response behaviors.