综述了等温淬火球墨铸铁(Austempered Ductile Iron,简称ADI)的基本性能优点及国内外的现状;分析了我国ADI与工业发达国家的差距;提出了我国ADI在发展过程中存在的主要问题和建议;阐述了大力发展我国ADI产业的迫切性,并探讨了发展我国ADI产业的思路与对策。
The basic performance advantages and domestic and international situation of ADI have been summarized with analysis of distance between our country and industrially developed ones, puting forward the main problems and suggestions to the development of ADI. The urgency to strive to develop our ADI industry has been elaborated with discussion about the path and strategies to develop it.