该文研究列联表离散数据的局部影响分析.基于幂散布度量(Power-divergence Measure)定义了离散数据模型的Ⅰ距离函数,影响图和一致法曲率,并针对离散数据构建了一种局部影响分析方法.利用该方法给出了二维列联表独立模型的局部影响分析结果,并通过实例分析验证了该方法的有效性.
This paper studies the local influence in contingency tables.Based on powerdivergence statistics,the I distance function,associated influential graph and the conformal normal curvature are constructed,and a new local influence method is proposed to detect the influential cells in r×c contingency table.The results are applied to detect the influential observations in the independent model of the contingency tables.Finally an example is used for illustration.