e-mail: goforlg@126.com Gang Lu was born in Shanxi Province, China, in 1972. He received M.S. degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, in 1999. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with School of Computer Science and Engineering in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). His research interests include computational geometry and graph theory. e-mail: mtzhou@uestc.edu.cn Ming-Tian Zhou was born in Guangxi Province, China, in 1939. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, UESTC. His current research interests include network computing, information security, and wireless networks. e-mail: worldgulit@tom.com Yong Tang was born in Yunnan Province, China, in 1973. He received Ph.D. degree in 2007 from School of Computer Science and Engineering, UESTC. He is now a lecturer with UESTC. His current research interests include network computing and wireless networks. e-mail: zmgyn@mail.sc.cninfo.net Ming-Yuan Zhao was born in Sichuan Province, China, in 1940. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with School of Computer Science and Engineering, UESTC. His current research interests include artificial immune system, and computational intelligence. e-mail: xinzhengniu@126.comXin-Zheng Niu was born in Guizhou Province, China, in 1978. He received Ph.D. degree in 2008 form School of Computer Science and Engineering, UESTC. He is now a lecturer with UESTC His current research interests include mobile P2P networks and security. e-mail: kunshe@ 126.comKun She was born in Sichuan Province, China, in 1967. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, UESTC. His current research interests include middleware techniques and information security.