This study inverstigated the long-term and short-term effects on aggression of undergraduates by exposure to violent media with the Implicit Association Test and the Aggression Questionnaire. The results showed : ( 1 ) Individuals who contacted with more violent media have higher explicit and implicit aggression. (2)Exposure to a violent video game for 10minutes incease Individuals' implicit aggression, but exposure to a non-violent video game 10minutes have no influence on individuals' s implicit aggression. Exfposure to a violent video game and a non-violet video game for 10 minutes have no influence on individuals' explicit aggression. (3) There is no interaction effect between the baseline of explicit aggression and the kind of game. The interaction effect between the baseline of implicit aggression and the kind of game was significant ; For the individuals who have higher baseline of implicit aggression, the type of game has no influence on implicit aggression ; For the individuals who have lower baseline of implicit aggression, the violent video game increased their implicit aggression, the non-violent video game have no influence on their aggression.