隐藏终端影响无线网络的正常运行,造成网络吞吐量下降和无线资源的浪费.本文在ZigZag的基础上提出了一种基于类似网络编码的解决方案——CTEBANC(Collision time estimate based on analogy network coding),对冲突后产生的叠加消息进行解码操作,消除了隐藏终端对AP节点的影响,使AP节点可以正确接收各节点的数据.CTEBANC结合了RTS/CTS和ZigZag的优势,增加了网络的吞吐量,提高了无线资源的利用率.最后仿真验证了CTEBANC的有效性.
Wireless network is affected by hidden terminal problem. Throughput will decrease when there is hidden terminal in the networks. Inspired by ZigZag,the paper propose a solution based on analogy network coding——CTEBANC (Collision time estimate based on analogy network coding). In CTEBANC,AP terminal decodes overlay data caused by collision,and receives message correctly. CTEBANC combine advantage of RTS/CTS and ZigZag,increase the throughput of networks and enhance the usage of wireless resource. And simulation results validate efficiency of CTEBANC in resolving hidden terminal problem.