In practical Hadoop systems, how to make the jo b com pletion tim e shorter is the NP com plete problem . The m ainreason for this problem is the long tim e in the process of massive data transm ission fro m the M ap node to the R educe node,which is caused by the netw ork congestion. Software defined n e tw orking com pletely strips out the con trol plane from sw itch andm igrate it in to the c o n tro lle r, enabling the switches to handle the data in netw ork and the con trollers to know global n e tw o rk,w h ich provides the p o s s ib ility o f the MapReduce netw ork op tim ization in the OpenFlow netw ork structure. The paper proposeda m ethod on m erging the M ap interm ediate data on the OpenFlow sw itch to reduce the tim e fo r data transm ission through thefle x ib le control on netw ork o f SDN.