Objectives: To investigate the effect and its underlying mechanism of lithium on modulating neu- ral stem cells differentiation. Methods: NSCs were isolated from the subventrieular zone of neonatal Fischer 344 Rat. The growth curve of differentiating NSCs was detected by using Cyquant assay. Immunocytochemistry staining combining with BrdU incorporation assay were used to detectneuronal marker Tujl and astrocytes marker GFAP and $100(3, the percentage, as well as the total numbers of each lineage were also estimated. TNUEL apoptosis assay was also performed to rule out the lithium toxicity. Finally, lithium and GSK3[3 in- hibitor-SB216763's effect on regulating neuraonal and astroeytes were tested and compared. Results: Lithium concentration lower than 3mM was non-toxic in differentiating NSCs. lmM lithium stimulated neuronal pro- duction by 1.47_+0.06 folds(P〈0.05), while SB216763 increased by 2.25±0.07 folds(P〈O.05), 3mM lithium re- duced GFAP+ cell number to 0.55+0.02 folds (P〈0.05) compared with control group, S10013 staning result showed the similar tendency, conversely, SB216763 did not reduce GFAP+ cell number, with 0.90±0.06 folds compared with control group (P〉0.05). Conclusions: Lithium exerts dual roles on NSCs's differentiation. It stimulates neurogenesis at concentration of lmM with its inhibition on doumregulating GSK3β pathway, mean- while suppresses astrogliogenesis at concentration of 3raM, which may be mediated by non-canonical pathway.