According to etiologic classification of epilepsy by ILAE, genetic epilepsy is caused by a known or presumed ge- netic defect in which seizures are the core symptom of the dis- order. Most of epilepsy-related genes encode ion channels in- cluding voltage-gated ion channels (subunits of K+, Na+ and Ca2+channels, etc.) and ligand-gated ion channels (subunits of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and GABA receptors, etcl) which are important causes in current known etiology of genet- ic epilepsy.With the advance of next-generation sequencing re-~ated technology, an increasing ~umher of mutations associat- ed with variable clinical phenotypes of epilepsy were identi- fied in genes encoding ion channels.A deep study of ion chan- nels dysfunction in pathogenesis of epilepsy is not only helpful for understanding the mechanism of epilepsy, but also impor- tant for personalized precision medicine.