在实验室不同温度(10、25、35℃)下,比较茶叶和小麦苗对红褐斑腿蝗Catantops pinguis取食利用能力的影响及其与蝗虫肠道消化酶活性之间的关系。结果表明,温度对蝗虫的日均取食量、相对生长率影响极显著,均表现为35℃〉25℃)〉10℃,对日均绝对增重(干重)的影响趋势与此相同,但各处理温度间差异不显著,对消化酶活性影响显著,总体表现为高温时活性大于低温,但不同的水解酶表现各不相同。食物种类对近似消化力影响不大,但对小麦苗的取食量极显著高于对茶叶的取食量;三个处理温度下日均绝对增重均以小麦苗为食时高于以茶叶为食,但差异不显著,以小麦苗为食时相对生长率极显著高于以茶叶为食,显示食物对相对生长率影响显著;取食小麦苗时肠道消化酶活力极显著高于以茶叶为食,只有类胰凝乳蛋白酶活力差异不显著。
The food consumption, growth and activity of digestive enzymes of Catantops pinguis (Stal) (Orthoptera: Catantopidae) fed on different diets were investigated under three temperatures( 10,25,35 ℃ ). The temperature affected the food consumption and relative growth rate extreme remarkably, performed as 35 ℃ 〉 25 ℃ 〉 10 ℃, the temperature affected the net growth with the same trend yet there was no statistical difference among three treated temperatures. The temperature affected the protease activity extreme remarkably, the general trend was higher temperature had higher activity, but for each enzyme there was different performance. The diet affected the food consumption extreme significantly, which means locust fed more wheat seedling than tea leaves, even the approximate digestibility on wheat seed- ling was just higher than that on tea leaves. The net growth when fed on wheat seedling were higher than that fed on tea leaves under three treated temperatures, although there was no significant difference, but the relative growth rate when fed on wheat seedling was significantly higher than that fed on tea leaves, show that diet affected the relative growth rate significantly. The diet affected the protease activity exceeding remarkably, while the protease activity fed on wheat seedling was higher than that fed on tea leaves remarkably, except chymotrypsin.