以淮南潘一、潘三矿采煤沉陷区(开放型沉陷区)和后湖采煤沉陷区(封闭型沉陷区)为研究区域,通过对沉陷区浅层地下水中氮、磷等营养盐指标的监测,研究了两种类型采煤沉陷积水区浅层地下水中营养元素的时空分布特征,采用相关性分析初步研究了不同类型沉陷区营养盐的迁移特征,同时分析了营养盐的限制性组成. 结果表明,NH3-N年内时间差异性较小,整体呈开放型浅层地下水(KD)〉封闭型浅层地下水(FD);NO2--N、NO3--N和凯氏氮年内空间差异性较小,时间差异性较大,丰水期低于平枯水期;总氮年内时空差异性均较小,基本呈FD〉KD.PO43-和总磷年内时间差异性较大,溶解性总磷年内时空差异性较小. 开放型沉陷区浅层地下水内各营养盐指标的相关性更强,封闭型沉陷区浅层地下水中磷的污染风险更大.
To find out temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphrous, etc in the shallow groundwater of different types of coal mine subsidence area, open (Pan1and Pan3) and closed (Houhu) subsidence area in Huainan were selected and nine sets of monitoring data from November 2012 to September 2013 were analyzed. Cor-relation analysis revealed different response relationship and migration characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the same water body. Compositions of nitrogen and phosphorus in two types of water body were analyzed based on their ratios of vari-ous forms. Results showed that the temporal difference of NH3-N was small in both water bodies, though it was larger in KD (open shallow groundwater)than in FD (closed shallow groundwater) in general. On average, the temporal differences of NO2--N、NO3--N and KN were big, and the spatial differences were small, while both were lower during wet season than in dry or normal reason. The temporal and spatial distribution difference of total nitrogen (TN) were both little and presented FD〉KD. The spatial difference of PO43- and TP was large, while the temporal and spatial difference of TSP was small. The nutrient elements were more related to each other in open subsidence area than in closed subsidence area as to the composi-tions of nitrogen and phosphorus, certain differences existed in the two water bodies and phosphorus pollution risk was greater in shallow underground water of closed coal mine subsidence area.